Online Food Ordering

In today's world, food customization has become a buzzword in the restaurant industry. And, restaurants are finding ways to cater to customers' needs and preferences. Technomic estimates 46% of res..

In metropolitan areas where people are busy and have no time to cook. A quick-service restaurant comes as a savior and provides them food within minutes. QSR are restaurants that serve fast food ..

Keeping your customers happy is the success mantra that every restaurant swear by. If you are not able to keep your customers happy, they will leave you for your competitors. According ..

Did you know that training restaurant employees is a real investment for your restaurant business? Not only is it a real investment for the restaurant but well-trained employees help to build a better..

Technology has transformed the working of today’s restaurants. Digitalization is what has taken over. Restaurants have adapted new methods of technology, whether we talk about the kitchen or the f..

With hectic schedules and crazy work hours, people are always running short of time. They want to save as much time as possible. Generally, when people walk out for a gourmet meal, they typically spen..

A few years back, the concept of the fast-casual restaurant came as a revolution in the restaurant industry. Fast food restaurant is also known as a Quick Service Restaurants, that serves fast food cu..

Restaurants are going high- tech and many innovations are happening in the food industry. One of the upcoming trends that have been pacing up is Cloud Kitchen. What is Cloud Kitchen? A cloud kit..

What is a Ghost Kitchen? A ghost kitchen, No! I am not talking about a haunted kitchen. It is a virtual restaurant or delivery-only restaurant where a chef can prepare food with peace of mind. In..

Humans are different from each other, but when it comes to food, we are all somewhat similar. We all treat delicious food as a reward. Our taste buds demand a royal treatment every time we eat. We are..

You are in the middle of your Games of Thrones season and suddenly felt an urge to have something. Now, you don’t have to think twice all you need to do is order your favorite from a tap. All thanks..

The involvement of technology in food is not new. It all started way back in stone-age when an early man lit the fire by striking two stones together. Who would have guessed that it will give birt..

Social media has cut down on human-human interaction and people prefer to interact online. Moreover, the online market has flourished in the past couple of years. A few years back whenever I hear the ..

Hasn’t the battle of the sexes been relevant in every walk of life? Not trying to generalize, but don’t we all agree that some battles are won by the beautiful ladies and some by the handsome hu..

As a restaurant owner, you always need to look for ways to give your restaurant a quick in-budget makeover. How can you do that? How much would it cost you? What is the most effective thing you coul..