It remains a topic of debate till date; what is it that differentiates responsive websites and mobile applications? With mobile phones doing the trick, apps seem to be the real bonus workers while mobile browsers tend to take the backseat. From start-ups to established business houses, restaurants to educational institutions; they all have taken the app way. Well, there are many factors that vividly prove the dissimilarities between the two. From the inception to the final stage; from maintenance to user compatibility, the opponents have always been at a strike.

Let’s take a look at some of the indispensable differences that both responsive websites and mobile apps share:
Push notifications: From the latest offers to combos, everything can be made available via push notifications on a mobile app. Irrespective of whether the user is online or offline; most mobile apps have what it takes to bridge the knowledge gap on the go! Responsive websites have comparatively lost out on this factor.
Internet all the way: It is imperative for websites to remain connected throughout. The efficiency level takes a dip if this quintessential element is not taken care of. No matter how amazing the website is, the very fact that non availability of a good internet connection often proves to be a spoiler there. Mobile apps have fought this battle well and most applications respond even without being directly connected to the internet.
Design Matters: Most responsive websites are coded for particular devices while in reality every device requires a different coding. Websites definitely score over apps when it comes down to displaying a lot more content at once. Even then, mobile apps soar above due to its ability to display the required information instead of a lot many information at once.
Development Cost: While websites are known to impart a lot more of information, one cannot deny the cost of developing such a responsive platform. Mobile apps emerge victorious here with a comparatively lower cost of development and maintenance. At this point of time, one cannot deny the cost of developing a fresher design and the many other changes associated with the website. A mobile app being more streamlined does not involve such abominable costs.
User Satisfaction: Mobile apps have been known to have an impeccable ability to remain straightforward in their approach. Its performance is more streamlined and customer friendly as compared to a website with more information than required at the moment. Mobile apps, over a period of time has succeeded to prove its worth and continue to maintain its pride in being a customer friendly means of information and service.
The Device Partnership: Most websites, no matter how advanced they are, may not be able to enter into a beneficial partnership with the device. Mobile apps make use of the many in built features on a user’s device to make the app experience indeed the penultimate experience of comfort. Be it the location option or the camera, the app maintains a good partnership with the device.
Most organizations have a responsive website yet as time accelerates; it wouldn’t be a wise man’s choice to ignore the striking differences between a responsive website and a mobile app – devices are after all, everywhere.
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